Getting the New Western Gallery on to the Website

Events & Announcements, The Story Behind the Painting, Working Artist
I have just added a new western art gallery to my website. Included in the gallery is the painting featured in my last post, and I will be talking about some of the others more in depth as we go along. The images are not super high quality yet, the captions are short, and the design does not line up with the other galleries either, but it is there. Adding it required changes to all of the other pages, and will also require further changes, but one could spend all week on updating and never get into the studio! The other side of my new years resolution is spending the afternoon in the studio, so what it is really about is achieving balance between office and studio so I am neither binging…
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New Years Resolutions

Working Artist
It's that time of year that we are all looking to the future and deciding what we want that to look like! For many of us, myself included, that means resolving to lose the 10 pounds we put on over the holidays. Clear clutter, get organized, take care of finances, focus on family, all great personal resolutions. But what about our career resolutions? That is not just something for people in offices looking for raises and promotions, it is for us creative types too. I propose using your resolutions as career planning tools. What has not worked in the past year, and what are you going to do about it?  What do you want to do more of? What new projects look interesting and how can you get started on…
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A look back at 2016

Working Artist
This will be my last post for 2016, and my next will be the first for 2017. In the spirit of endings, this should be the time when I update my CV and take some time to honour the activities of the past year. However, since I am still painting furiously under deadline, I will have to defer that until the new year. Until then, I will just take the time tonight to take a look back at a few of the activities I took part in and will be adding to my CV. I have quite a few things to be proud of this year: I exhibited a couple paintings in the I Love Inglewood Show at the Edge Gallery, as well as at Parksday and Creekfest in Fish…
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Boxing Up your Art (metaphorically speaking)

Working Artist
I hope you had a great Boxing Day! I know at least some of you were out picking up deals, while others were packing away your holiday decorations. Myself I was back in the studio after taking all of the Christmas weekend off for last minute preparations and family fun. Yes, I still have four paintings to finish in the next week, and I will photograph and share them soon I hope. In the mean time I was looking for a couple seasonal recent works to share with you, and realized that I have a lot of art that needs to be added to my website. I did not want to share something I don't currently have a decent photo have and haven't added to the website galleries yet! So this brings…
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Happy Holidays from the Studio:

Art Lessons
[caption id="attachment_70" align="alignnone" width="300"] Christmas Ornaments, a lesson project painting by Debbie.lee Miszaniec[/caption] So it is almost Christmas, and I have been furiously working in the studio finishing paintings for a deadline. I can't share any of these with you yet, although I already have 6 in the series complete, as I won't have the time to photograph them until the new year. You will just have to enjoy the suspense! In the mean time, I thought I would share a few of my teaching plans for the upcoming year with you. Nothing firm yet, I can't take the time away from the studio to make arrangements or set dates, but I can certainly let you know what to watch out for! So, for 2016 I will be setting up a few independent…
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The Art Life: Introduction

Introduction, Working Artist
This post introduces a new category that will be a resource for others involved in the act of emerging as professional artists. Topics will go beyond the act of making art to talk about work and life in the arts. Subjects will be relevant to the business of being an artist, as well as the personal side, including social, mental, financial and physical health. From time to time I may host guest experts here, as well as announce upcoming sessions of Artists on a Mission and How to Be an Artist.
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Learn to Art Introduction

Art Lessons, Introduction
Introducing to a new post category: the Art Lessons category covers further information for art students. It will include tutorials, art history, explain materials and techniques, and announce new and upcoming classes and critiques for registration. As well current students will find information to keep them in the loop on projects, requirements and the status of their upcoming classes.
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An Introduction to Art à la Carte Parties

Art Parties, Introduction
For around a year now I have been doing Art à la Carte parties, and I think I may be the only one! I haven't seen anyone else doing them. There are art lessons and workshops. There are paint nights, wine and paint parties & art parties out there of all sorts. They seem to be taking urban nightlife by storm. But Art à la Carte? Now that is something different again. What is so different about Art à la Carte? I am glad you asked! Typical art parties offer a social experience for participants where guests can wine and dine while working their way through a set painting project. Usually they take place at a bar, gallery or art studio, and are great as a date night, girls night out or alternative corporate party. However, if you would…
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