Happy Holidays from the Studio:

Christmas Ornaments, a lesson project painting by Debbie.lee Miszaniec

So it is almost Christmas, and I have been furiously working in the studio finishing paintings for a deadline. I can’t share any of these with you yet, although I already have 6 in the series complete, as I won’t have the time to photograph them until the new year. You will just have to enjoy the suspense!

In the mean time, I thought I would share a few of my teaching plans for the upcoming year with you. Nothing firm yet, I can’t take the time away from the studio to make arrangements or set dates, but I can certainly let you know what to watch out for!

So, for 2016 I will be setting up a few independent workshops for Calgarians who have expressed interest in taking a class with me. There will need to be a minimum registration in order to go ahead, but I am planning on doing a workshop on atmospheric perspective for landscape painters, one on creating a convincing illusion of space for still life painters, and a plein-air painting workshop in Calgary’s Fish Creek Park this year in the late spring or early fall.

Stay tuned for details, and definitely contact me, subscribe to my newsletter, or comment below to express interest in taking one of these workshops. The more interest I get, the more of a priority I will make it!