Gallery Closure: October 15th 2022

Gallery Closure: October 15th 2022

Art Sales, Events & Announcements, Working Artist
Arts Aqui, Marda Loop Calgary: Closing October 15th 2022 It has been a short residency since Arts Aqui asked me if they could carry my art last winter. However the building has been sold to a developer and Arts Aqui will be closing its doors permanently on October 15th of 2022. It is a shame as the owner is passionate about art and artists, however I know she will go on to new and exciting adventures n her own creative practice. Paintings formerly carried at Arts Aqui If you are looking for a piece of mine that you saw there you can contact me directly through my website to see if it is still available. If you represent or know a gallery in Calgary that would be a good fit…
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New Painting: Enchantment

New Painting: Enchantment

Earthly Delights, The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?
Enchantment 11 x 14 O/C $750 CADDebbie.lee Miszaniec, 2022 So Enchantment came about after I painted Tempting Fruit earlier this year. I loved the way that the chocolate cupcake in that painting just seemed like an over the top amalgam of all the wiley ways it could look like a tempting treat. Tempting Fruit, 9"x12" O/C - $595 CADDebbie.lee Miszaniec 2022 That painting made me think of other romantic gardens. So of course it was a short step from Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights to Fragonard's french rococo garden in The Swing. Prior to painting Enchantment I baked and frosted several cupcakes, really going for an over the top frothy look for the cupcake like the heroine in Fragonard's The Swing. From there I painted Cupcake Digest, to study the…
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New Painting: Cupcake Digest

New Painting: Cupcake Digest

The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?
Cupcake Digest, 5"x7" O/C, $250 CAD Framed Say hello to Ms. Cupcake. After painting Tempting Fruit I became fascinated with this idea of a cupcake with wrapper seductively coming away from the base of the cake. I could not get the image of the heroine from Fragonard's The Swing , as a frothy pink cupcake, out of my mind. So, determined to do a version of this painting, I set about creating some particularly frothy pink cupcakes as models for the upcoming paintings. Cupcake Digest is about me getting to know this new character in my paintings. Stay tuned for future appearances of Ms. Cupcake!
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New Painting: Thought & Feeling

New Painting: Thought & Feeling

Earthly Delights, The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?
Thought & Feeling, 12"x12" O/C, $750 CAD unframed Our pear is back in Thought & Feeling, torn between Sisyphus and Dionysus again. Early on with this painting I wanted to shift the deep red tone I had started with to a lighter warm pink, creating a feeling of nostalgia in the painting. I saw it as sort of a companion to the longing in the earlier painting I posted about, I Only See You. that painting was about unfulfilled longing, whereas Thought & Feeling is about the power of fond recollections over the intent to follow a reasoned course of action or desire for changes.
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New Painting: Idealized Figures

New Painting: Idealized Figures

Earthly Delights, The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?
Idealized Figures, 8"x10" O/C, $450 Unframed Meet Idealized Figures, one of the newest paintings in my series exploring the relationship between a little pink pear and a cake plate of jelly doughnuts. I was working on correcting and straightening some of the lines in the painting, when it occurred to me that this is what we do in life too; with our diet practices we attempt to correct nature and idealize our own forms. With this insight I decided to emphasize my correction lines in the painting.
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New Project Announcement! Earthly Delights – 10 Still Life Paintings in Places

Earthly Delights, Events & Announcements, Uncategorized, What's the Big Idea?
Preliminary Drawings, & me on location taking reference photos. I’m on location here taking reference photos at Reader Rock Gardens in Calgary for my new project, Earthly Delights - 10 Paintings of Food in Places, funded by an individual artist project grant from Calgary Arts Development. As some of you know from reading earlier posts about the development of my Cravings series, I (intentionally) lost more than a third of my body mass in the last decade. Despite the many health benefits, there are other physical and psychological results of this journey which continue to make maintaining a healthy weight a challenge. Earthly Delights is about exploring that journey through the genre of still life painting. This project juxtaposes the still life within places to speak to the dilemmas presented by our…
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I Painted A Serene Lake Scene On My Garage Door!

I Painted A Serene Lake Scene On My Garage Door!

Commissions, The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?, Working Artist
Sawmill Lake, 8'x16', exterior mural on wood garage door, 2022. Early this summer I painted this exterior mural on the new garage door my husband built and installed last year. It was his idea to do a mural on what looked like a big blank canvas to both of us, and with that sort of faith in my abilities, how could I decline the opportunity right? The image we chose was from a recent visit to the lake country around my husbands childhood home. This was a small local swim and camping spot walking distance from his home. You can see our grown up kids in the picture, but I opted not to include any figures in the painting. Neighbourhood response was so positive to this mural that I have…
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Recent Reads: The Rhetoric of Perspective

Book Reviews, What's the Big Idea?
The Rhetoric of Perspective: Realism and Illusionism in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Still-Life Painting - Hanneke Grootenboer Warning, do not think this is a light Sunday read! So this book is a dense one, with a lot of reinterpretation of language to draw connections between disparate writings of art historians and philosophers. However, as I've been fascinated with the 17th century Flemish still life painter Clara Peeters, and it had a picture of a dutch still life painting on the cover, I had to commit to read this book fully. I over-ran my renewals at the library on this one but I made it. Essentially she goes through many convoluted arguments to prove that painting is a form of thought. Well duh, I thought, ask any artist and you will get that…
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Recent Reads: The Pop Object

Book Reviews, What's the Big Idea?
The Pop Object: The Still Life Tradition in Pop Art - John Wilmerding This is a book produced by the curator for an eponymous exhibition at Acquavella Galleries. As such it is a big beautiful glossy refutation of the perception of still life painting as a skill building exercise or a safe way to explore new techniques. Of course there is text here, but the focus is really on the pictures, which makes it a relatively easy read compared to more theory based books. The book starts by exploring an apparent art historical blindspot in the analysis of the Pop Art movement: the legacy of still life art and its influences on or in Pop art. Chapter one covers the origins of the still life genre and documents the parting…
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Collaborating with Kitchen Feminism: Not Enough Cubicles Here

Covid-19 Art, Events & Announcements, Introduction, The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?
Starting from the observations of writers that women's roles have been in some ways rolled back to the expectations of an earlier era due to the effects of pandemic lockdowns and school closures, the Kitchen Feminism project asked a diverse group of women to reflect on the ways they perceived their own lives to have been sent back in time by the pandemic: Mom I need this space for my zoom meeting! From the Kitchen Feminism Project, courtesy producer Dawn Van de Schoot, photographer Shannon Smith and stylists Nicole Does Makeup. Below are sketches of some of my ideas for this collaborative project which brings the individual stories of women’s experiences of Covid-19 to life in a series of photographs and short videos produced by Dawn van de Schoot. My…
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