Time to Plan (your Art Show) for Better Times

Uncategorized, Working Artist, Youtube Channel
As I write this today it seems half of Calgary is shut down to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the shops may as well be for the amount of stock left on their shelves due to panic buying. My daughter's university practicum is cancelled, putting her educational plan in limbo, and I am worried about the safety of my mother and her husband on her upcoming trip to Calgary from out of province. They are in the high risk category for complications if they were to get sick. So although I think my household could handle the illness, I will be following the suggestions for social distancing and hand-washing. I am doing that so my older family members don't get sick, and so I don't have to self-isolate and…
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Art/Life: Monday – Friday

Working Artist, Youtube Channel
I am so close to releasing the video about planning a timeline for an art exhibition. Behind schedule but still on task, and planning to have that uploaded for this Friday, but in case there are further delays, SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel so you will not miss it when it finally does come out. In the meantime, I recorded a wee video diary over the week I began the research and script for the above mentioned video project: http://youtu.be/bBs_-hm3KXs You'll see in the video the foreshadowing of future delays on that project. But I really was not thinking of this video as an explainer for my shocking lack of adherence to self-made deadlines. Rather when I recorded it I was thinking about providing a window into my workweek for…
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Happy Family Day Alberta!

Happy Family Day Alberta!

The Sunflower Project, What's the Big Idea?, Youtube Channel
Because families start with love: http://youtu.be/RD7kC2mb38Q I love that Family Day follows Valentine's Day here in Alberta! Because, as the song says, (insert name here) & (insert name here) sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G; first comes love, then comes marriage (or whatever relationship definition works for your reproductive unit), then comes (insert names here) pushing the baby carriage. So in honour of that special bond that grows between two people and then is shared with the next generation, Happy Family Day from my family to your's! I hope you will enjoy watching this Valentine's day video that I published to my youtube channel for Valentine's day, and that it inspires you to encourage your next generation to pay the love forward as well! Happy Family day from our family!
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Thoughts on Over-painting (oil)

Uncategorized, Working Artist, Youtube Channel
I just didn't have a passion for the project anymore. The inspiration did not work out and I was not stubborn enough to invest more time in making it work. So wasteful to abandon high quality* canvases in this time of thoughtful consumption, so I repainted them with fresh inspiration. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImfXs3W7rp4 Of course there are considerations for overpainting canvases: Is the original completely dry? If you're considering immediately repainting a painting you will have to worry about the dry rates of the underlying layers, oil and solvent contents of those layers and how it will effect the new painting. Is the painting fresh enough that you could just scrape the whole thing back? If not I would strongly suggest waiting until the painting is completely dry so at least you…
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Medium of Exchange:Process HUB@302: March/April 2021

Medium of Exchange:Process HUB@302: March/April 2021

Events & Announcements, What's the Big Idea?, Working Artist, Youtube Channel
Its a bit early for a SAVE THE DATE announcement, given we are looking over a year down the road, so I am just putting it out there that the show we have been working on putting together for over a year now, Medium of Exchange: Process (a follow up to Medium of Exchange: Debt (2010)), has been invited by the Alberta Society of Artists to show in their gallery! Jesica Campbell, Penny Chase, Jessica Hauser, myself and Koren Scott, will be mounting the exhibition at HUB@302 in March/April of 2021. I will be documenting the development of this show here and on the One Life Fine Art Studio Channel in a series of videos and posts exploring how to mount a collaborative visual art exhibition like the Medium of…
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A Better Butter Tart (painting).

The Story Behind the Painting, What's the Big Idea?, Youtube Channel
https://youtu.be/845smnDVeqE So This is what happens when an initial idea doesn't pan out on a canvas. Originally I was going to do a series of small paintings with a recipe card for pancakes overlaid with agricultural and ingredient images. It just wasn't working, so I abandoned the set after the base sketches were done, and decided to re-use the canvas for these lovely little food still life paintings depicting Canadian heritage treats with tea, books and various items. So here is the first of three of these original oil paintings shown being painted directly over the original sketch. Speed-painting and time-lapse painting video's of the other two paintings will be uploaded to YouTube in March and May, so if you would like to see them as well you should definitely…
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Back to 2018: New/Old Video

The Sunflower Project, Working Artist, Youtube Channel
https://youtu.be/o5TfWAPOfOM 2020 Revisits 2018 I discovered that I still had some footage from a 30 day vlog project I was recording in 2018, testing if I wanted to do this video thing. It turned out that I had way too much going on at that time to juggle a regular vlog, and so I shelved the footage. In between then and now two thirds of the footage went missing, but what remained was still an interesting look back for me as I reflected on what happened to those projects and involvements, and how they affected 2019. Now that I have decided to work on my Youtube Channel for 2020, I thought it might be fun to do a rewind and update video based on that test project. One thing I…
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One Life Fine Art Studio Channel UP NOW:

100 Rejections, Events & Announcements, The Story Behind the Painting, The Sunflower Project, What's the Big Idea?, Working Artist, Youtube Channel
https://youtu.be/g0RPwdQIA2o My Youtube Channel is up and I have a favour to ask: I have polls on each of my first 3 video's to ask what you would like to see in future videos? Please go to the channel, watch a video and answer the poll when it pops up. If you don't have a youtube account that's Ok, you can leave your comments here for me instead. Thanks a bunch for helping! Here is a "time lapse" from the Sunflower Project:
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The One Life Fine Art Studio Youtube Channel is Finally a Thing!

Events & Announcements, Introduction, What's the Big Idea?, Working Artist, Youtube Channel
So January 17th I will be going live with my first public video uploads on the all new One Life Fine Art Studio Channel. Why do I say finally? Well I actually created the channel several years ago to share videos for another project. That project never went anywhere (after much work and investment) so I let the channel lapse while I focused on new projects. However I have wanted to create and share videos about my work and the work of being an artist for a while now. I just haven't had time to plan, schedule, record, edit and upload videos on a regular basis; or so I thought. Turns out I already have a fair bit of footage recorded that I would like to get out there. After…
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