The Sunflower Project: Inspired Actions – Kelly Small

Wish150 Alberta Mosaic
Acrylic on Panel
A letter from a member of the Sunflower Project:
I happened to sit beside Debbie.lee and her friend as we made art at Rumble House one evening over a year ago. Towards the end of the evening, she mentioned she was an artist and told be about her website and sunflower project. I was intrigued and inspired! At the time, I had been doing some soul searching after being a stay-at-home mom for 5 years and having done a fair amount of artistic journaling that year as a way of expressing my grief after my Mom passed away in February 2016. I would look at the sunflower seed painting she sent me, pinned to the bulletin board above the sewing area I had created with my Mom’s sewing machine. And then the seed sprouted as I realized I could share artistic journaling with others. I started a Meet-up group called Artistic Journaling for Times of Transition and have offered 12 sessions. This is now sprouting and growing in other directions as I continue to share my gifts with the world. Thanks planting a seed, Debbie.lee!
Artfully yours,
Kelly Small
I can’t tell you how much it means to know that the seeds are sprouting out in the world! If you would like to join the project  follow this link to sign up.
Congratulations Kelly, I look forward to seeing more from your growing project in the future!
Debbie.lee Miszaniec,
One Life Fine Art